Florida DKG Educational Foundation
Past Award and Grant Recipients
2022 Professional Development Award
Doreen Alvarez
Math Coach Peace River Elementary School Port Charlotte, FL (Charlotte County Public Schools) |
Professional Development “Teaching Learning Coaching Conference 2022” Doreen Alvarez is an academic coach at Peace River Elementary School who works with teachers to improve pedagogy. As a first-year instructional coach Doreen virtually attended the Teaching Learning Coaching Virtual Conference in 2021 and she is eager to participate in the 2022 conference in person so that she could learn how to develop trust with colleagues, how to use data more effectively and give effective feedback to teachers. |
First of all, the conference was wonderful! I can't thank everyone at DKG enough for the opportunity to attend. Several other people from my district ended up attending, because the conference was in Orlando this year, as opposed to the one I was originally going to in Texas. If you remember I received a split scholarship, because there was more than one recipient. The district footed the bill for the conference fee, since it was more than the actual scholarship. Your funds covered my hotel, two meals and one toll.
Having those colleagues there allowed us to have important discussions as well as planning time. We will be starting a Professional Learning Community as we continue to grow in our roles as math coaches. I learned about the importance of reflection in teaching as well as in my own work, how to have difficult conversations, and the importance of having a "playbook" of strategies at the ready when working with teachers. Our PLC will work to create the tools to put in our playbook.
~Doreen Alvarez
Math Coach
First of all, the conference was wonderful! I can't thank everyone at DKG enough for the opportunity to attend. Several other people from my district ended up attending, because the conference was in Orlando this year, as opposed to the one I was originally going to in Texas. If you remember I received a split scholarship, because there was more than one recipient. The district footed the bill for the conference fee, since it was more than the actual scholarship. Your funds covered my hotel, two meals and one toll.
Having those colleagues there allowed us to have important discussions as well as planning time. We will be starting a Professional Learning Community as we continue to grow in our roles as math coaches. I learned about the importance of reflection in teaching as well as in my own work, how to have difficult conversations, and the importance of having a "playbook" of strategies at the ready when working with teachers. Our PLC will work to create the tools to put in our playbook.
~Doreen Alvarez
Math Coach
Photo of "Teaching Learning Coaching Conference 2023" in Orlando, FL with Doreen Alvarez and school colleagues. provided by Doreen Alvarez
Darby Kaye Barfield
Guidance Counselor Vernon Elementary (K-5) Vernon, FL (Washington County School District) |
Professional Development
“Graduate Course-Counseling Children with Sexual Trauma” (Counseling 5233) (Virtual Course through University of the Southwest); May 3 - June 26, 2022 Darby Kaye Barfield participated in a virtual course titled “Counseling Children with Sexual Trauma. The topics in this course addressed pressing social issues that students face including the mental health care needs and counseling techniques for children who have experienced sexual assault and/or sexual trauma. The course provided Darby with opportunities to reach out to her students in crisis and provide a more accurate counseling experience to a growing student population with sexual trauma. Students were provided with an opportunity to learn necessary tools needed to make better sense of what happened and learned life coping skills to assist them in recognizing thoughts and emotions. The school faculty and staff were made aware of additional student counseling services through announcements in the Counselors Corner on the staff webpage, as well as through media outlets, staff meetings and PTO meetings. |
This course was beneficial in assisting me while working with students living in homes affected by addiction. Many of the students at the elementary school where I am the School Counselor face obstacles in their daily lives related to substance use. Parents or Guardians are fighting addiction. Children living in these circumstances encounter food shortages, abandonment, loss of the family unit, and loss of parental guidance and support. Students often feel anger, resentment and isolation. This graduate course provided me with additional skills and resources to help our students work through these feelings and emotions. We formed a counseling group which provided support and a sense of community. Thank you very much for providing me with the financial resources to take this graduate class. The skills and resources I gained will assist many students for years to come.
~Darby Kaye Barfield
Guidance Counselor
This course was beneficial in assisting me while working with students living in homes affected by addiction. Many of the students at the elementary school where I am the School Counselor face obstacles in their daily lives related to substance use. Parents or Guardians are fighting addiction. Children living in these circumstances encounter food shortages, abandonment, loss of the family unit, and loss of parental guidance and support. Students often feel anger, resentment and isolation. This graduate course provided me with additional skills and resources to help our students work through these feelings and emotions. We formed a counseling group which provided support and a sense of community. Thank you very much for providing me with the financial resources to take this graduate class. The skills and resources I gained will assist many students for years to come.
~Darby Kaye Barfield
Guidance Counselor
Elisabeth Davis
High School, AP Science Altamonte Christian School Altamonte Springs, FL (Seminole County) |
Professional Development “Advanced Placement (AP) Project Based Learning Series 2022” University of South Florida; July 18 - 21, 2022 (CANCELLED) This professional development training was cancelled do to a "Lack of Interest". Elisabeth Davis has returned all funds awarded to the Florida DKG Educational Foundation. Elisabeth returned funds to the Foundation, and she will be able to apply for a Professional Development Award in the future. |
Lucinda Rempala
Guidance Counselor Charlotte Virtual School/ Charlotte Tech College (K-12) Port Charlotte, FL (Charlotte County) |
Professional Development
“American School Counselor Association National Conference” (Austin, Texas); July 9-12, 2022 Attending the American School Counselor Association National Conference helped Lucinda Rempala enhance her school counseling knowledge, improve her school counseling program and network with other school counselors to discover the best practices in the field and to establish contacts for future networking and sharing. The opportunity for continued education made Lucinda excited about her profession and allowed her to learn new skills that she can use to help her students through home and personal situations that are often barriers to student success. Lucinda shared her training with counselors at their regular district meetings, shared documents through Google Docs and through emails. Lucinda is currently working to recruit counselors in the district to establish a local chapter of the Florida School Counselor Association.
Thanks to your grant, I was able to travel to Austin, Texas for the American School Counselor Association annual convention. The convention was filled with activities from 8:30am until 5pm and usually some kind of celebration in the evenings. The convention was from July 9th until the 12th. The hotel was only a block away. So, even though it was some of their hottest days, 105-109 degrees every day, I didn't have far to walk. The conference was organized and celebrated with our states. This was ASCA's 70th birthday and the largest participation (1,600 online and 4,800 in person) at a convention. We took up the entire convention center. During our lunchtime, we were able to walk around to see the different booths. There were 11 or 13 rows of counselor and school related people to talk to. Notice people are carrying backpacks instead of just the normal convention bag. There was that much stuff and people to talk to and connect with. I found companies from my own community that offer scholarships that I wasn't aware of. The breakout sessions were so full, that the fire marshal came in and said attendees could not sit on the floor or stand. If all seats were filled, then you couldn't attend. Many of the sessions were also virtually live. I took a photo with Emma, one of the Certified Animal Assisted Therapy dogs we met at one of the breakout sessions. What this opportunity meant to me, is almost indescribable. There was so much energy and it stayed that way for the entire time. There was information that I will need to research and collaborate with my local counselors to implement, but they also gave us tools that we could use right away. My favorite session was about using origami in school counseling for social emotional learning, character education, and even just conversational to get kids talking. This was amazing. It was nice to have some new technology and apps that I can use to make my job easier, more colorful, and data driven. I am so excited to start my school year and use the tools I have learned. Thank you, Florida DKG Educational Foundation, Inc., so much for this opportunity. I will be sharing with my colleagues and use what I have learned from this experience.
~ Lucinda Rempala
Charlotte Virtual School
Thanks to your grant, I was able to travel to Austin, Texas for the American School Counselor Association annual convention. The convention was filled with activities from 8:30am until 5pm and usually some kind of celebration in the evenings. The convention was from July 9th until the 12th. The hotel was only a block away. So, even though it was some of their hottest days, 105-109 degrees every day, I didn't have far to walk. The conference was organized and celebrated with our states. This was ASCA's 70th birthday and the largest participation (1,600 online and 4,800 in person) at a convention. We took up the entire convention center. During our lunchtime, we were able to walk around to see the different booths. There were 11 or 13 rows of counselor and school related people to talk to. Notice people are carrying backpacks instead of just the normal convention bag. There was that much stuff and people to talk to and connect with. I found companies from my own community that offer scholarships that I wasn't aware of. The breakout sessions were so full, that the fire marshal came in and said attendees could not sit on the floor or stand. If all seats were filled, then you couldn't attend. Many of the sessions were also virtually live. I took a photo with Emma, one of the Certified Animal Assisted Therapy dogs we met at one of the breakout sessions. What this opportunity meant to me, is almost indescribable. There was so much energy and it stayed that way for the entire time. There was information that I will need to research and collaborate with my local counselors to implement, but they also gave us tools that we could use right away. My favorite session was about using origami in school counseling for social emotional learning, character education, and even just conversational to get kids talking. This was amazing. It was nice to have some new technology and apps that I can use to make my job easier, more colorful, and data driven. I am so excited to start my school year and use the tools I have learned. Thank you, Florida DKG Educational Foundation, Inc., so much for this opportunity. I will be sharing with my colleagues and use what I have learned from this experience.
~ Lucinda Rempala
Charlotte Virtual School
Photos of "American School Counselor Association Convention 2022" provided by Lucinda Rampala
2022 Educational Grant
Beth Cavallaro
Physical Education Fairglen Elementary Cocoa, FL (Brevard County) |
Grant Project "Morning Running Club"
Physical Education teacher Beth Cavallaro coordinated a morning walking/running club at Fairglen Elementary which encouraged students and teachers to walk or run three mornings a week. Laps are added cumulatively and participants set goals that earned incentives. The school has partnered with “United Way to have access to a program called “EZ Scan” which required participants to have a QR code that can be scanned with an iPad to document laps and provide more accurate and efficient accounting of participant achievement and data. Funds from FLDKGEF purchased an iPad, printer and supplies. The technology is also used with assessment apps for all regular PE classes in place of the instructor’s personal phone. |
I have attached some pictures of the students during their morning running club using some of the items I was able to purchase with the grant money awarded. They are loving using the new technology.
~Beth Cavallaro
Fairglen Elementary
I have attached some pictures of the students during their morning running club using some of the items I was able to purchase with the grant money awarded. They are loving using the new technology.
~Beth Cavallaro
Fairglen Elementary
Photos of "Morning Running Club" provided by Beth Cavallaro
Rebekah Richey
Retired Educator Sanford, FL |
Grant Project "Sanford Enrichment Field Trip Opportunities"
Rebekah Richey, a retired educator planned field trips for the students who attend the Jeff Triplett After-School Program (support for children from disadvantaged and low-income households). The bi-monthly field trips were open to all K-6 students enrolled in the after-school program and provided for educational, artistic, and cultural experiences the students may not otherwise access. Themed lesson plans and background information were shared with the students prior to the field trips. Students were given an opportunity to visit educational sites within their community, the local county and neighboring counties that they may not have access to outside of the after-school program. |
MAY 2022 UPDATE: Field Trip #1: "Shrek the Musical"
Our first amazing field trip to the Dr. Philips Performing Arts Center to see "Shrek the Musical". We used a bus that SCPS donated to the Jeff Triplett After School Program so we were able to take two parents, a grandmother and two other staff people besides myself and the children for a total of 25. This was great since I originally thought I would only be able to serve 14 children and provide a couple extra tickets for chaperones.
~Rebekah Richey
Retired Florida Educator
Our first amazing field trip to the Dr. Philips Performing Arts Center to see "Shrek the Musical". We used a bus that SCPS donated to the Jeff Triplett After School Program so we were able to take two parents, a grandmother and two other staff people besides myself and the children for a total of 25. This was great since I originally thought I would only be able to serve 14 children and provide a couple extra tickets for chaperones.
~Rebekah Richey
Retired Florida Educator
Photos of "Sanford Enrichment Field Trip Opportunities Field Trip #1: Shrek the Musical" provided by Rebekah Richey
May 2022
May 2022
OCTOBER UPDATE: Field trip # 2: "Dog Man, the Musical"
We thought we might have to cancel our October 1st trip to the Orlando Repertory Theater completely after Hurricane Ian because of the damage to our program and playground at the Jeff Triplett After School Program where I tutor. I called parents to see if they would be able to bring their children. Unfortunately, many had to deal with hurricane clean up and Saturday events so only a small group was able to join me. Those that attended really enjoyed the performance of "Dog Man, The Musical". Before the Hurricane, I started reading the first book with the 3-5th graders. They loved the graphic novel, comic-book presentation and we will continue reading the series with the older elementary children.
Thank you to the Florida DKG Educational Foundation for your support.
~Rebekah Richey
Retired Florida Educator
We thought we might have to cancel our October 1st trip to the Orlando Repertory Theater completely after Hurricane Ian because of the damage to our program and playground at the Jeff Triplett After School Program where I tutor. I called parents to see if they would be able to bring their children. Unfortunately, many had to deal with hurricane clean up and Saturday events so only a small group was able to join me. Those that attended really enjoyed the performance of "Dog Man, The Musical". Before the Hurricane, I started reading the first book with the 3-5th graders. They loved the graphic novel, comic-book presentation and we will continue reading the series with the older elementary children.
Thank you to the Florida DKG Educational Foundation for your support.
~Rebekah Richey
Retired Florida Educator
Photos of "Sanford Enrichment Field Trip Opportunities Field Trip #2: DogMan" provided by Rebekah Richey
October, 2022
October, 2022
Renea McKenzie
Academic Analyst K-2 Vernon Elementary (K-5) Vernon, FL (Washington County School District) |
Grant Project “Bingo for Books” Bingo for Books was be a part of "Florida’s Celebrate Literacy" Week scheduled for January of 2023. The family event was a unique opportunity for student and their parents to enjoy an evening together enjoying a meal of pizza, drink and cookies and then playing Bingo to win children’s books. The project encouraged parent involvement and strengthened the relationship with the school. At the end of the evening, all the students went home with a stack of books that were theirs to keep. |
UPDATE: "Bingo for Books "
Thank you so much for supporting my plans for “Bingo for Books”. The event was held last Thursday evening during “Celebrate Literacy Week, Florida!”. It was such a blessing to be able to hold an amazing event that provides free books for low income families as well as provides an opportunity for parents to spend time with their children with all expenses paid.
The event was scheduled during “Celebrate Literacy Week, Florida!” on Thursday, January 26th. Parents signed in their children upon arrival and each child received a brightly colored tote bag. Then, the families visited the Washington County Public Library table and received information about how to obtain a library card, the “Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library” for young children, and received small gifts from the library. We then served them pizza, drink and cookies. The children ended the evening playing bingo with their parents’ support to win books. Each time a child yelled “Bingo”, they were sent to the tables in the back of the room that were loaded with books. Each child selected 2 books for every win. All children left with a bag full of books at the end of the evening. They were so excited!
Our cafeteria was decorated with student posters from the poster contest that was held as a part of literacy week. The theme of the week was “Take a Deep Dive into Literacy…Splash into New Worlds”. Posters were judged, and we provided a treat bag with a book for one child in each homeroom. The posters were amazing!
Thank you again for the grant that helped purchase books, tote bags, decorations, poster contest prizes, paper products, and cookies. I have included pictures from the event. What a wonderful evening it was!
~Renea McKenzie
Vernon Elementary
Thank you so much for supporting my plans for “Bingo for Books”. The event was held last Thursday evening during “Celebrate Literacy Week, Florida!”. It was such a blessing to be able to hold an amazing event that provides free books for low income families as well as provides an opportunity for parents to spend time with their children with all expenses paid.
The event was scheduled during “Celebrate Literacy Week, Florida!” on Thursday, January 26th. Parents signed in their children upon arrival and each child received a brightly colored tote bag. Then, the families visited the Washington County Public Library table and received information about how to obtain a library card, the “Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library” for young children, and received small gifts from the library. We then served them pizza, drink and cookies. The children ended the evening playing bingo with their parents’ support to win books. Each time a child yelled “Bingo”, they were sent to the tables in the back of the room that were loaded with books. Each child selected 2 books for every win. All children left with a bag full of books at the end of the evening. They were so excited!
Our cafeteria was decorated with student posters from the poster contest that was held as a part of literacy week. The theme of the week was “Take a Deep Dive into Literacy…Splash into New Worlds”. Posters were judged, and we provided a treat bag with a book for one child in each homeroom. The posters were amazing!
Thank you again for the grant that helped purchase books, tote bags, decorations, poster contest prizes, paper products, and cookies. I have included pictures from the event. What a wonderful evening it was!
~Renea McKenzie
Vernon Elementary
Photos of "Bingo for Books" provided by Renea McKenzie
Sarah Watters
Speech Riversink Elementary (K-5) Crawfordville, FL (Wakulla County School District) |
Grant Project: "4 Houses, 1 Otter Family" Sarah Watters and the staff at Riversink Elementary will implement a “house system” to increase positive behaviors, encourage student engagement and improve school climate. All students and staff will be sorted into a “house”. Each house will have its own colors, name, symbols and character trait focused on responsibility, respectfulness and readiness to learn. The goal is to provide all students with an opportunity for belonging that will lead to increased attendance, decreased referrals and time spent out of the classroom while encouraging participants to be present and engaged with the curriculum. |
Photos of "Four Houses, One Otter Family" provided by Sarah Watters
September 2022
September 2022
2021 Professional Development Award

Missy Jones
Professional Development “Space Academy for Educators”
Huntsville, Alabama, June 3 – June 7, 2021
Winter Springs Elementary, Sanford, FL
2021 Educational Grant
2020 Educational Grant
2020 Professional Development Award
Kim Franklin Waller Elementary, Youngstown, FL Professional Event: “FAME” (Florida Association for Media in Education) Orlando FL |
Debbie Bohanan Zenith Accelerated Learning Academy, Kissimmee, FL Professional Event: “ISTE21”(International Society for Technology in Education National Conference) San Antonio, TX |
2019 Professional Development Award
2018 Professional Development Award
2017 Professional Development Award
Dr. Stephanie Lutton Carey University of South Florida, Tampa, FL Professional Event: "International Society for Prosthetics and Orthotics (ISPO) 16th World Congress" Cape Town, South Africa |
Cara Dunford Holt Yankeetown School, Yankeetown, FL Professional Event: "Kagan Cooperative Learning - The Writing Process" Orlando, FL |
Thank you for your interest in the Florida DKG Educational Foundation Professional Development Award and Educational Grant.
Last Update: December 2023
Webmaster: [email protected] |